
Skin Resurfacing

Skin Resurfacing for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks develop for a number of reasons. Essentially a type of scar, stretch marks can appear when a patient’s skin stretches (or shrinks) in a short period of time. The sudden shift in the skin causes its elastin and fibers to tear, and after it heals, it results in a stretch mark (or scar). Stretch marks are typically present on the skin in streaks and are most common in the underarm, abdomen, glutes, and thighs. As time passes, the spot fades but leaves an undesirable texture and shallow ravine in the skin. The most common cause of this is rapid muscle growth, pregnancy, breast augmentation, genetics, or rapid weight gain/loss. Treatment for stretch marks such as laser skin resurfacing is available for patients at Stella Medical Spa in New Jersey.

What Is Skin Resurfacing for Stretch Marks?

Skin resurfacing is a safe, effective way to remove stretch marks with a laser that uses concentrated light beams. This light targets the affected area by stimulating new collagen and smoothening out the stretch marks. The goal of the laser session is to resurface the texture of your skin to heal and is typically more effective at targeting newer stretch marks. Older scars may lack collagen and may take longer to heal or treat. If nothing seems to rid you of your stretch marks such as topical solutions and oils, set up a consultation with our experts at Dr. Stella Cosmetics in New Jersey and begin your journey of younger, more radiant skin.

How Does Skin Resurfacing for Stretch Marks Work?

When it comes to removing stretch marks, there are two different non-invasive resurfacing lasers available for patients: Ablative and non-ablative lasers, which are both specially designed for targeting stretch marks. The ablative laser works to remove the patient’s outer skin layer (or epidermis), revealing newer skin below the surface and prompting the area to produce new collagen. In the case of non-ablative lasers, such as Fraxel, this treatment prompts the stretch marks to heal without removing the outer layer of skin. This type of treatment is typically more effective on new, red, or purple-colored stretch marks that have not fully healed and may require more treatments than ablative lasers. It’s essential to have a consultation with a medical professional to determine which treatment is right for you.

What Is the Recovery
for Skin Resurfacing for Stretch Marks?

Patients can return directly back to a normal schedule following their skin resurfacing session, but the area can take up to two weeks to fully heal. Patients should notice visible changes after several weeks as the skin produces new collagen and begins to heal. At Dr. Stella Cosmetics in New Jersey, our team specializes in helping patients achieve skin free of stretch marks and scars. As the targeted epidermis heals, new skin will grow back smoother and firmer than before in the affected area.

Who Is a Good
Candidate for Skin Resurfacing for Stretch Marks?

Any patient seeking to remove scars or stretch marks on the skin are encouraged to speak to a cosmetic professional. Prior to skin resurfacing, a specialist will perform a consultation to determine the type of laser needed for the patient’s scarring. Most candidates will notice a change in scaring just weeks following their treatment. However, some patients may require multiple sessions. Speak with your cosmetic professional to get a better idea of the course of treatment. Following treatments, most patients see a 20 to 60 percent improvement in stretch marks (via American Society for Dermatological Surgery).

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for Skin Resurfacing for Stretch Marks

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